the activities given against the SLOs are not related to their corresponding Blooms levels. For example, in this particular case, the SLO requires a low level of remembering or understanding, but the suggested activity rather belongs to creating the higher order thinking level of the Blooms Taxonomy. There are many other instances like this where activities are not aligned or rationalized with the demand of SLOs.
It is not a “western agenda” when the people of Pakistan call for a local solution to inspire more solidarity with our persecuted fellow citizens. The least that Pakistan could do here was make the age of the girl-child uniform across all the boards and implement existing laws against “forced marriages” more realistically. At present, a girl aged 16 is legally treated as an adult whereas a boy under 18 is still a child. The parallel Shariah law further complicates the matter where it states that a girl becomes of marriageable age as soon as she hits her puberty.